Thursday, March 29, 2007

Diminished Houses (by Elie)

"The Torah in Exod 12:1-11 provides the rules pertaining to the korban pesach, the pascal sacrifice. The korban was to consist of an unblemished sheep or goat, which must be roasted whole and completely eaten by midnight; leftovers are to be destroyed. But what about a family for whom an entire sheep is much too big a meal to complete in a single night?"

Every now and then, I get (and need) a reminder of just how lucky I am. Would that the same were true for all. Here, Elie tries to describe what happens when a family isn't big enough because it's been reduced by death and needs support from others who've gone through the same heart-wrenching experience.

May we all find joy, or at least comfort, in this season.


Blogger Elie said...

I am touched beyond further words. Thanks, and may you and yours have a joyous Pesach.

Fri Mar 30, 09:16:00 AM 2007  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Elie, you and your family are in my prayers. I hope that you, too, will have a joyous holiday.

Fri Mar 30, 10:52:00 AM 2007  

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